Saturday, February 23, 2013


I've been called a great many things.  Labels help us to define our experiences, and at the same time they limit our growth. Names and Labels reek of our human desire to hold fast to our understanding of something, in a world that is in constant motion. 

I founded Catherine Cabeen and Company (CCC) in 2009, to explore how interdisciplinary research and collaboration can be used to build new movement vocabularies.   

In the last four years CCC has engaged 30 interdisciplinary artists and created over 22 collaborative works. 
Catherine Cabeen in Fire!
photo by Phill Cabeen

But as my base shifts from the west to east coast and the collaborations I engage in reorient their dynamics, I find that "Catherine Cabeen and Company" is not a name that supports the integration of dance and ideas that I am after.  

So, CCC is now becoming Hyphen.

The mission is the same, and hopefully this name will help us to move forward as an entity based in connection.  

Hyphen, as what we need to "co-exist," or make a "well-thought-out-plan." 

Catherine Cabeen - Hyphen is starting a new relationship with New York Live Arts as an Associate Artist and is held under their 501c3 Umbrella.

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